Knife Party - Centipede
UKF Dubstep
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my fps totally didnt drop to 25 lol
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Knife Party - Centipede (Impossible)
Hey, what's up? I don't know what to add so I'll just make this really long. lol what am i doing OSU IMPOSSIBLE MAP CONFIRMED?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHHAA OMG 69420 TOTALLY NOT FUNNY e e e e e e e e e my fps is gonna drop to like 25 when im making this really im not joking dude bro tell me why oh yeah this is impossible and has really high nps ok cool now should i start making it nah i shouldnt i should just keep typing cause i want to ok i dont understand what im even doing what what what what rickety roll i now yeet ya soul never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you i rick rolled you ok i should start making the chart now so ill stop typing
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Knife Party - Centipede (Impossible)
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