FNF Algebra Full Song
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GG, Verified 23K. 51% acc, 105 best streak.
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Algebra V1
Oh noes! You were searching on Discord, and you saw a guy giving away free robux if you came to his house! But the address lead you to Dave's schoolhouse! Dave tricked you! But he has some sketches around his schoolhouse, so you can go around and collect them and sell them online! But there is one issue... If you collect one, you have to take a test to verify yourself! Each time you collect one of the sketches, you have to take a security test consisting of three mathematical equations! If you fail to complete one, Dave will come...

Collect all of the seven sketches, and exit Dave's school to win!
Also Dave is in a wheelchair, so he will take a little bit to turn around in it.
His old pad used to have buttons, but some meany corrupted them...
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Algebra V1
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