「Speedcore」[t+pazolite] Muzik Overload
cold kiss sound
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「Speedcore」[t+pazolite] Muzik Overload - Playlist from SPEEDKORE 4 KIDZ
I know you've been waiting for this. For way too long... :[

► Title: Muzik Overload
► Album: KAKATTEKOYEAH 2!!!!! https://diverse.direct/c-h-s/chs-0026/
► Circle: C.H.S http://c-h-s.me/
► Composer: t+pazolite https://soundcloud.com/t-pazolite

► Illustrator: たいそす http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=28...

► Illustration: http://i.imgur.com/jHExoOZ.jpg

Released at Comiket 90

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► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coldkisssound/
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/donkekleon

All rights belong to the respective owners.
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「Speedcore」[t+pazolite] Muzik Overload - Playlist from SPEEDKORE 4 KIDZ
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