UNDERTALE - Megalovania Acapella
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UNDERTALE - Megalovania Acapella
Megalovania was the first song I heard from Undertale. I vividly remember someone sending me this song as a request and curiously opening up the link. "Wow, this is good music for an indie game!" I thought. I listened to more music, and kept thinking the same thing. I read a little about how the creator (Toby) took inspiration from Touhou and Earthbound, which got me to download and play the game. After playing it, aside from all the hype, I can say that I haven't had this much fun playing an RPG (or a game, really) for a long time. Such a unique breath of fresh air. I hope you guys enjoy my musical tributes to this game!
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UNDERTALE - Megalovania Acapella
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