FNF Vs Dave and Bambi 3.0 - Overdrive
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I apologize to @GoldenAppleOF
2d ago
so lately i have been mischevious and egotistical while being with Golden Apple, it all started when i recharted his Jazzy Juice and he called my chart dense.
i did not understand the sense of feedback at the time, and overall i didn't think much of it until he started looking at my older charts and calling them stiff.
i was crashing out and made a joke chart saying "I swear if @goldenappleof calls this dense-" and thought i was over with this.
then i had an epiphany, i realized he meant it, so i took studying charts into a whole new level and finally accurately charted this song as my last chart using the gpop editor!
i apologize to @GoldenAppleOF for causing a scene and i will look forward to improving myself in the near future.
i take accountability and responsibility for my actions and i will try to treat people more nicely so that all comes back in the good end.
the song is called overdrive from dave and bambi 3.0
(the chart is a joke i just wanted to apologize to golden and not be serious about charting in gpop but rather in an actual rhythm game and import it here)
i did not understand the sense of feedback at the time, and overall i didn't think much of it until he started looking at my older charts and calling them stiff.
i was crashing out and made a joke chart saying "I swear if @goldenappleof calls this dense-" and thought i was over with this.
then i had an epiphany, i realized he meant it, so i took studying charts into a whole new level and finally accurately charted this song as my last chart using the gpop editor!
i apologize to @GoldenAppleOF for causing a scene and i will look forward to improving myself in the near future.
i take accountability and responsibility for my actions and i will try to treat people more nicely so that all comes back in the good end.
the song is called overdrive from dave and bambi 3.0
(the chart is a joke i just wanted to apologize to golden and not be serious about charting in gpop but rather in an actual rhythm game and import it here)
to play the game.
to Play/Pause the video.
to restart the level.
again as said i am sorry to golden apple for having a full on argument and crashing out on a teenager
that was crazy-
that was crazy-
that was crazy-
that was crazy-
that was crazy-
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