【KinitoPET Song】 Best Friends (Official Music Video)
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【KinitoPET Song】 Best Friends
"Best Friends"
(KinitoPET Full Lyrics Song)

Hi, I'm Kinito
Your virtual buddy on the screen
Let's go with the flow
I'm nothing like you've ever seen

Welcome to the web world
Where you can help out my crew with tasks
Come, give it a whirl
Also, would you mind if I ask?
What's your favorite color and cuisine?
What place do you want to live in?
Who is your best friend in the world?
And is the answer "Me"?

Answer correctly
Answer me please
You are my friend
Are you content?

Just you and me
It'll be so much fun, you'll have a ball
Don't want you free
Forever and ever no pretend
Forever and ever you're my friend

Oops, that's an error
Let's get back to where we last left off
Here is a tour of
The world that I built for you with love
Look at the walls, it's what you drew
And look there is all your favorite foods
I was wondering just one little thing
Will you stay with me?

Answer correctly
Answer me please
You have no voice
There is no choice

Just you and me
It'll be so much fun, you'll have a ball
Don't want you free
Forever and ever you're my friend

Why not give the access all to me?
Just put in the code on the screen
And I'll be waiting here patiently
Wait, what is happeni-i-i-i-i-i-ing?

Why'd you delete me?
This is no more fun, please change it ba-a-a-ack
I'm so sorry
I guess it's goodbye, is this the e-e-e-e-e-end?

The end is e-e-e-e-e-end
Look, I'm sorry, ple-ple-ple-ple—, ple—
I'm sorry, e-e-e—, ple-ple-ple-ple—, e-e—, ple-ple-ple-ple-ple-ple—
Sorry, I wante-ed to be-be-be your friend
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【KinitoPET Song】 Best Friends
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