FNF The Billy Bobbo Rap | April Fools Gapple OST
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The Billy Bobbo Rap (idk why i did this)
oh my god, am i really in fnf golden apple, the mod about.. the people? i literally cannot believe this, this is so cool.. this is amazing.. umm i'm gonna rap now i'm going to sing my favorite song um old big ding- old big dingle, watch old big dingle OOAA MAH GAWD OA OA OA MAY GAWD! wasn't that so cool i'm so awesome uh sprite artist can you put freddy fazbear hat on my sprites now, thank you. um what do you think about vs the boss? do you like vs the boss? why aren't you speaking to me? fluck you there cough i don't know what i'm doing... ooooaaaaaw more cough sigh um um vs dave full ost by stev on youtube OOAA MAH GAWD uh oh my god is that freddy's fazba-OOAA o a u a u u
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The Billy Bobbo Rap (idk why i did this)
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